This is a journal of experiences using the therapeutic benefits of expressive art. I’m deeply grateful for the opportunity to have trained with Laurie Zagon; Founder/Director for Art and Creativity For Healing, her unique methods have benefited thousands!

October 29, 2012

The dreaded "V" word!

It's almost Halloween. For many years the SCARIEST word I knew was the dreaded "V" word! No, I don't mean VAMPIRE... I'm talking about the word VULNERABLE!

Vulnerable: Capable of being emotionally or physically wounded, open to attack, or damage, unsafe.

We all have weaknesses that cause us to feel vulnerable, but when those weaknesses are regularly and cruelly exploited, mock or ridiculed...then fear and shame can take root.

If there's no SAFE place, or safe people to help us address our fears and imperfections, we are more likely to ignore or,  camouflage our feeling. Art&healing classes provide a safe environment for participants to work through some of these issues. 

October 24, 2012

I don't "DO ART"

So, you're not an "artsy" guy? You're not the slightest bit interested in getting "in touch" with your feelings. Okay...I get it. That wouldn't appeal to me either if I were you! So here are a few OTHER reasons why guys show up and mess around with paint for a few hours a week!

It's a great way to solve problems, deal with conflict, stress and anger.  Besides health benefits (posted on Oct 21, 2012) these techniques can also increase your of all you're ALLOWED TO BE MESSY!  

So although I'm not serve'n up brats and might actually enjoy yourself!

October 22, 2012

Yipppeee! Artistic Skills Not Required

An art&healing workshops are not about producing perfect works of art, or trying to master the formal techniques of "fine art".  
Those pressures are purposely set aside so everyone, including the "less artistically inclined" can enjoy the therapeutic 
benefits of creating art!

Call or email to find out how to register for our  the next workshop

October 21, 2012

Wellness and Healing

QUESTION: Can participating in an art&healing workshop improve my physical well being? 

ANSWER: Yes. There's plenty of clinical research to support the positive health benefits of participating in expressive art activities (painting, sculpting, drawing, music etc) In addition to impacting the physical body, the process can enhance emotional and spiritual wellness.

Here are a few of the positive and amazing physical health benefits your body can experience as you participating in expressive art:
  • Increases serotonin levels (which help alleviate depressions)
  • Improves memory
  • Boosts immune system
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Improves heart rate and respiration
  • Relieves stress
  • Helps eliminate sleep disorders
  • Stimulates connectivity between right/left brain

October 20, 2012


Last night was our art&healing class at the Bird Rock Art Studio/Gallery. What an amazing group! The women (and the art pieces they created!) were absolutely powerful and beautiful. They did an outstanding job of sharing their stories - so insightful and authentic in their processing. I was so proud of them! 

My next 3 week art&healing session begins this Friday evening October 26th.  There's still time to register! Check the side bar for details.

October 16, 2012

Stay Optimistic!

"Optimism is critical to our spiritual health. 
It's hard to kill an artist, 
but it's very easy to discourage one..."

October 15, 2012

Never say.... NEVER

This is a picture of a dear friend of our family. She knew all about difficulties, frustrations and challenges, but she NEVER GAVE UP. When Lynda set her mind and heart to something, she accomplished it. She drove her own vehicle around town (with her feet). She went horse back ridding, went snorkeling, played around in her garden and was an accomplished artist!

So what's holding you back from accomplishing your dreams? Today is a NEW day!!! No more excuses, get up and get to it! YOU CAN DO IT....I believe in you, and so do all your friends! 

Everyone has a Story!

Every person has a unique and meaningful story to tell. Some stories are short and choppy and others are long and complex, but everyone has one! It's your life story... so go ahead, tell it!  We think you're amazing and your story is worth listening to!