This is a journal of experiences using the therapeutic benefits of expressive art. I’m deeply grateful for the opportunity to have trained with Laurie Zagon; Founder/Director for Art and Creativity For Healing, her unique methods have benefited thousands!

October 24, 2012

I don't "DO ART"

So, you're not an "artsy" guy? You're not the slightest bit interested in getting "in touch" with your feelings. Okay...I get it. That wouldn't appeal to me either if I were you! So here are a few OTHER reasons why guys show up and mess around with paint for a few hours a week!

It's a great way to solve problems, deal with conflict, stress and anger.  Besides health benefits (posted on Oct 21, 2012) these techniques can also increase your of all you're ALLOWED TO BE MESSY!  

So although I'm not serve'n up brats and might actually enjoy yourself!

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