This is a journal of experiences using the therapeutic benefits of expressive art. I’m deeply grateful for the opportunity to have trained with Laurie Zagon; Founder/Director for Art and Creativity For Healing, her unique methods have benefited thousands!

October 15, 2012

Never say.... NEVER

This is a picture of a dear friend of our family. She knew all about difficulties, frustrations and challenges, but she NEVER GAVE UP. When Lynda set her mind and heart to something, she accomplished it. She drove her own vehicle around town (with her feet). She went horse back ridding, went snorkeling, played around in her garden and was an accomplished artist!

So what's holding you back from accomplishing your dreams? Today is a NEW day!!! No more excuses, get up and get to it! YOU CAN DO IT....I believe in you, and so do all your friends! 

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