This is a journal of experiences using the therapeutic benefits of expressive art. I’m deeply grateful for the opportunity to have trained with Laurie Zagon; Founder/Director for Art and Creativity For Healing, her unique methods have benefited thousands!

October 29, 2012

The dreaded "V" word!

It's almost Halloween. For many years the SCARIEST word I knew was the dreaded "V" word! No, I don't mean VAMPIRE... I'm talking about the word VULNERABLE!

Vulnerable: Capable of being emotionally or physically wounded, open to attack, or damage, unsafe.

We all have weaknesses that cause us to feel vulnerable, but when those weaknesses are regularly and cruelly exploited, mock or ridiculed...then fear and shame can take root.

If there's no SAFE place, or safe people to help us address our fears and imperfections, we are more likely to ignore or,  camouflage our feeling. Art&healing classes provide a safe environment for participants to work through some of these issues. 

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