This is a journal of experiences using the therapeutic benefits of expressive art. I’m deeply grateful for the opportunity to have trained with Laurie Zagon; Founder/Director for Art and Creativity For Healing, her unique methods have benefited thousands!

June 25, 2011

Art is Theraputic

Art4Healing vs Art Therapy

Those of us who have been certified to use the Art4Healing methods, as taught by Laurie Zagon, understand our role in the creative process. We understand that expressive art can be very therapeutic, but we not ART THERAPISTS. We are Facilitators. Our job is to create a safe and enjoyable atmosphere in which our students are free to explore or focus on any number of areas in their life using the Art4Healing method. My job is to help facilitate that creative process. I am not a medical professional and I am not at liberty to offer any form of psychological interpretation or attempt to diagnosis participants.

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