As we journey through life, a peculiar thing happens. We collect things, little treasure; old sweaters, favorite coffee mugs, a mason jar full of nails or colorful rocks. We also collect ideas and information. Some are good, others bad. We gather morsels of truth along with discouraging chunks of falsehood.
For the past twelve weeks my classmates and I have been on an wonderful “artistic” journey with Laurie Zagon, Founder/Director of Art for Creativity and Healing. Her unique method helps people express themselves creatively, identifying and uncovering emotional clutter that has “collected” while doing life. Laurie carefully guides her students through an intuitive and personal experience, using art and the language of colors, shapes and abstract images. Art for Healing isn’t about “artists” gathering to create beautiful masterpieces (although sometimes they do surprisingly emerge) these classes are designed for anyone and everyone. Laurie’s goal is to help facilitate healing. Art for Healing encourages students to investigate their current physical, spiritual and emotional state, consider their future dreams and courageously dislodge any negative thoughts or lies that could be lurking inside, slowing down their healing process.
During class time we humorously refer to the plethora of collective chatter in our head's, as the "Committee Members". Surely you’ve met them? Some of these notorious members include, the food police, the hair police, the 7th grade art teacher who criticized your master pieces, the old boyfriend or perhaps the parent who insisted art was a waste of time! The committees in our head always have something negative to say, especially if we dare to venture into new territory. These voices can be very good at distracting and sometimes they'll even try to sabotage us! You’re too old, too fat, too thin, you’ll look foolish, you’ll fail, you can’t, you won’t, YOU..... are not an artists!
Laurie’s advice to us when these unwelcome chatter-boxes arrive? “Dismiss your Committee Members, they're not welcome here.” I’d say that’s pretty good advice, not only for the classroom, but for life!
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